Eating Room Furniture & Concepts
The dining room is sort of just like the living room on many accounts. Fashionable eating room furnishings featuring sharp edges and bold contours add distinct appeal to any eating room. Take a cue from these designer areas and create a room you’ll truly need to eat in. Whereas shopping for the trendy eating furnishings one should be certain they are simple, elegant and in sync with the overall theme that has been determined.
Spherical dining tables: If space is a bit of an issue, it may be worth occupied with a round table. Upholstered chairs bring the blue into this eating room. A French oak desk is paired with 1950s chairs by Jules Wabbes and a circa-1950 French chandelier in the dining room; églomisé mirrors, framed in cerused oak, encompass an 1830s marble hearth, and the chevron ground is vintage fumed oak.
So whether you are craving a contemporary …
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